Choosing To Downsize May Be To Your Benefit As You Get Older

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family fishingIf you come to the point in your life when you have retired from your job and now you feel like relaxing in your home. You might want to re-think staying in your family home for the entirety of your retirement years. Downsizing may be the right choice for you with rising costs of healthcare, daily expenditures, and the loss of an income that may be not what you are used to. A smart way to relieve some of your money worries may be to downsize your home. 

Newcomers Meet & Greet Coming Soon!

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cute dog on welcome matThis event is a little over a month and there is still time to sign up your group or organization to be involved! Hot Springs Village has revamped its format for the Meet and Greet to welcome our newcomers to the Village. The POA staff has created a situation where tables will be set up with information stations with members to talk to newcomers. This meeting will occur on Wednesday, June 12th from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. at the Coronado Community Center. 
