
Hot Springs Village Honors Pat Roberts Retirement

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pink roseThe Hot Springs Village POA recognized Pat Roberts for her work with the golf courses within our Village. Over the past 30 years, she has dedicated herself to making the golf courses run smoothly in whichever role she was given. She was vital in launching the Magellan, Isabella, and Granado Golf Shop within her years of service. Pat’s fantastic customer service attitude was evident in every interaction.

We honor Pat’s years of service as she heads into retirement to spend more time with her family. Although she will be missed, we hope she enjoys her time. Congratulations, Pat!


Volunteer Opportunities Available at HSV Animal Welfare League

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cat and dogThe Animal Welfare League of Hot Springs Village has many opportunities for volunteer work and would love it if you would choose to lend your time to their organization. With all the nice weather heading our way, even if it is only a couple of hours a week, any help would be greatly appreciated. The animals of the rescue league would greatly benefit from being able to be around people to socialize and become better companion animals. New retirees often find themselves in need of activity upon leaving the workforce. What better way to lend your time than to these great animals?

Donate Fresh Cut Christmas Trees To Lakes Department

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christmas tree branch

Did you have a real fresh-cut Christmas tree this holiday season? Well, once you decide to part ways with it, consider donating it to the Hot Springs Village POA Lakes department, where they will use it to better the local lakes. The team will sink the trees in the lakes, providing a beneficial habitat for fish that are bait for attractive sport fish species. The trees will also provide food for zooplankton, feeding aquatic invertebrates. 
