Hot Springs Village Golf Courses

Alabama Golf News Features Hot Springs Village Golf Courses

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golfers In the current issue of Alabama Golf News there is an article that highlights Hot Springs Village and it's amazing golf courses. In the article “Hot Springs Village: A Slice of Paradise in Arkansas” by golf travel writer Gregg Dewalt he gives a nice overview of both our public and private golf courses as well as how Hot Springs Village shines among gated communities. The article features many first hand accounts of how Hot Springs Village is the place to be for not only the golf courses but the quality lakes, nature trails and other amenities that the Village has to offer. 

HSV Recreation Department Presents Movie Night This Coming Friday, August 7th

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popcorn with movie ticketsThe parking lot at Cortez Golf Course will become a drive-in movie theater this coming Friday, August 7th. The Hot Springs Village Recreation Department will be presenting the movie “The Sandlot” which is rated PG. The movie will start around 8:30 or so depending on the sunset. The presentation is limited to 40 cars and the price is $7.50 per car plus tax. For tickets head to and the tickets must be purchased ahead of time. Similar to a drive-in movie you will tune your car radio to a station in order to hear the movie. You will be given the station when you get there. Snacks will not be available so please bring your own. Please assure 6 ft. social distancing by staying in your car. Please join us this Friday for a fun family movie night under the stars.
