Invasive Species Threaten Local Lakes

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snail shellsInvasive species are becoming an issue in the lakes here in Hot Springs Village. In particular the POA is in contact with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission to help with figuring out which type of snail has invaded the water and how to control the spread. It is advised that no one should be eating or handling these snails since it is unknown what these snails could possibly be harboring in terms of parasites and/or harmful bacteria. 

First Annual "Yak Run" To Take Place In Village

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kayak paddlesDo you like to run recreationally and participate in outdoor adventures like kayaking? If so Hot Springs Village has the event for you. The first annual Yak Run will take place on Saturday, September 17th with packet pickup starting at 7 a.m.. To register before the event head to The event features a 5K Fun Run along with a 2K Kayak Paddle event on Lake Balboa. Each event will be run separately. You can participate in either event separately or you can decide to do the combined event. There will be a limited amount of kayaks to rent so be sure to head to and register early for a kayak. This is a rain or shine event so be prepared for whatever weather that Mother Nature can throw at you. If you are lucky enough to be a top three finisher in one of the catorgories you will receive a medal for your achievement. FYI each kayaker that participate must wear a Personal Flotation Device or PFD. You must be at least 14 years old to particiapte. All other rules and requirements are presented within the registration packet.   

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