HSVillageVibe's blog

Hot Springs Village Recovers From Strong Storm Activity

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sign that says safety firstThankfully, Hot Springs Village was spared any loss of life during the strong storms and tornado activity last week. Property damage can always be fixed and trees will, in time, grow back. Services within the Village are coming back online every day but it is important to check on what’s available and what amenities can be accessed. 

Community Pool Offers Easter Event For Kids

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child in poolCoronado Fitness Center will be offering a wonderful event for the young children of property owners and their sponsored guests. An Aqua Egg Hunt will be held at the pool at the fitness center, located at 160 Ponderosa Lane in Hot Springs Village. Saturday, March 30th, at 1 p.m., children under 12 can hunt for eggs in the pool with some eggs floating in the water for non-swimmers. Adults are asked to accompany any non-swimmers for their safety. This is required. Find a gold coin that will offer a special surprise to the lucky finder! This event costs $5 per participant. Also, please bring your own basket to the event as none will be provided. 
