Bear Sightings in Hot Springs Village

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bearSince Hot Springs Village is nestled so close to the Ouachita National Forest it is only natural that wildlife will make an appearance. However, the recent sightings of bears is a cause of concern. We do not do the bears any justice if we teach them that there is a food source for them in the area. We are asking that residents remove any bird feeders and pet food sources as well as securing trash so that we do not lure any bears to our properties. If you do see a bear you are asked to call the HSV Police Department in order to inform them of the bear’s location. 

This statement was supplied to HSV from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) - “If the supplemental feeding does not stop, the bears will become habituated and potentially a larger problem than they currently are. Although most people think the best answer is to relocate the bear away from the problem area, we have found that in most cases (especially where bears have been enjoying a supplemental food source), this does not work. We have documented habituated bears to travel 40-50 miles in a week to get back to the exact location from which we originally relocated them from. Once this happens, it becomes extremely difficult to break the bad habitats and often the bear has to be euthanized. The best option is to educate the bear to leave an area on its own and re-instill their natural fear of humans, thereby deterring future nuisance behavior. In your nuisance bear case, removing the supplemental food source (in this case bird seed) and applying an aversive conditioning technique (ammonia scent deterrent) is the best option for the safety of the bears and the home owners.”

While bears are amazing to see and watch they are also wild animals and they need to be treated as such. Please be smart and listen to the authorities in this situation.

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