COVID-19 Precautions Change How Residents Use HSV Facilities

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golf holeHot Springs Village offers many amenities to all of its residents but while we are making our way through this pandemic there are several changes to what one would consider “normal”. There are several changes to adhere to while you are enjoying the many recreation activities that the Village offers. If everyone remembers to follow these protocols the Village will be able to continue to keep these amenities open for use. 

Hot Springs Village asks that all of their residents wear a mask that covers both your mouth and nose when you are not participating in an active play or exercise session. It is also important that you maintain social distancing of 6 feet when you come into contact with people who are not members of your household. Always wash your hands (20 seconds) or utilize hand sanitizer both before and after your activity session or if the opportunity arises during your activity. Even during regular activity you should always avoid touching your face but it is hard to remember this while you may be perspiring due to exercise activity. Try using accessories that would help maintain your sweat like a hat or towel. It is also important that you maintain your own items and not touch anything that doesn’t belong to you. This will help avoid cross contamination and will help contain the virus. 

The HSV golf shops are also asking Members to reduce their stops at their facilities to help reduce in person contacts. They prefer that you call the golf shop if you would like to use any of your money on your card at each course. They also ask that you are exhibiting any symptoms that you avoid using the facilities. To better understand the rules and requirements that the golf courses require check out the COVID-19 guidelines here.

Also a reminder that the POA Administration Office is closed until further notice. Please allow extra time if you need help or assistance. 

Hot Springs Village is working hard to help keep all the amenities open during these past few months so that the residents have an opportunity to engage in activities that they are used to having available. If we have cooperation from the community we can help keep COVID-19 at bay. If you have any questions about whether any of the activities are canceled or if they have certain requirements make sure you contact each facility for answers.